Canberra Rotary Meet, A Success!
Hey peeps,
So just got back from the Canberra Rotary meet:

It was the first meet that I had 'organised' and as such was not really sure what to expect. But in the end at least 20 rotas turned out with a great mixture. We had Lots of Rx7s (mainly Gen 1s, but also two FCs and an FD SP) and than everything from R100s, Rx3, Rx4, Dattos, and more - that my memory can't remember.
Heaps of photos were taken by myself and one of my mates, as well as many of the attendees. So I'll get some of my pics up here soon, and there will be plenty more on the AusRotary forum.
w00t w00t. What a great success and a great way to spend a Sundee arvo. I might look at doing another in the not too distant future. :D
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