OzPhoenix's RX-7
A blog detailing the adventures of a first time rotary owner (in this case, a gen 1, series 3, 1985 rx-7).
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Friday, February 23, 2007
Finally, tuned.
Just rang to see if my car is ready after the tune, and they said all is good and it's putting out a lil' under 190rwkw (at least I assume it is rwkw). Anyway, the important thing for me is that I've finally got it tuned, so I can have some confidence in it not breaking down because of bad tuning. :D
Took a while, but finally.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Power/Boost Issue Fixed (short version)
Just got a few secs to do this post, so here is the short version.
CAT had melted down and was thereby blocking up the exhaust. This has now been sorted (details later).
Also, turns out they had a spot available for a dyno tune tomoz, so the car is now staying over night and gettting that done tomoz.
But apparently all is going good, and it's running 14 psi no worries. I'm excited. :D
Labels: booost
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Failed Attempt
Saturday night I thought I'd attempt to check my catalytic converter to see if it was the cause of my low boost. Jacked up the car, put it on stands and then proceeded to battle with the bolts that attach the exhaust. Eventually got the set of three at the rear off, then proceeded to do the same with the set of three at the front.
First thing I noticed was that they were a different size bolt for some reason, so had to get another spanner and socket. Well, got the first two off without too much grief, but then the last one I fought with for about 15 minutes (I guess) before ceeding defeat. Basically the position of it was so awkward that I couldn't get enough leverage on it to undo it.
Anyway, not to worry, as two more days until it makes another visit to the shop for them to determine what is wrong with it.
Oh yeah, and the second FACTOR M was on Friday night with a good turnout of ppl and rotas. Photos are over at the REACT gallery.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Tune Put Off
Yup, you read right. I've delayed the tune again. I'll now just be dropping it off to get them to diagnose what the issue is and go from there. :(
I'll get a tune one day, promise.
I guess for now I'll just have to drive it around nice and gentle. Bit like a run in again.
Boost is dropping
So I have my tune and eBoost 2 booked for the 22nd, but I'm concerned that maybe something more sevre is going on. I've now noticed that I'm only getting around 4 pounds of boost as opposed to the stock 7/9 pound I was previously getting - which is opposed to the 10/15 I used to get (but that went a while back).
I was thinking my boost gauge might just not be reporting it properly, but I just checked it and all is connected fine. But then I also thought, the flutter is *noticeably* quieter which is a sure sign (I reckon) that there is less boost being produced.
I was thinking that maybe it is the boost controller (seeing I already think it'sscrewed), but boost controllers are not meant to be able to reduce maximum boost only increase it. So I guess that cancels that out.
So then I wonder if it is something with the exhaust. I did get the catalytic converter installed a while back, and I'm also thinking that the car is sounding quieter (exhaust wise), so I wonder if maybe that has got clogged up.
And I guess worst case would be the turbo has shat itself, but I guess it could also be that the intercooler is blocked up (maybe with oil) and as a result there is pressure building between the turbo and the intercooler stopping from being able to build boost. hmmmm, but then potentially the intercooler piping would pop off.
I really don't know. The only thing I'm sure of is the lack of boost and the quieter flutter. I'm not 100% sure if the exhaust is quiter and not sure about anything else. I guess I'll remove the boost controller sometime (damn it, busy tonight) just to be sure that is not it, and then maybe I'll have to change the tune to a diagnose and tune and maybe hold off on the eBoost 2.
hmmm.... maybe I should just ring now and mod the appointment... no point changing the system until I know it is working (or not working) 100%.
Wheels Pics
Well, here they are. :D They seem to fit sooooo much better than the old ones (see a pic at the end for the old ones), but maybe it's a case of 'different courses for different horses'.

What it used to look like:

Labels: wheels
Monday, February 12, 2007
Lovin' da wheels!
Awww yeah, very happy. Got to drive it again tonight and man it is feeling good. Handling has improve so much (not so sketchy anymore) and the ride is so much better (less bumping around and more sticking to the road). And it can only get better once I finish scrubbing the rubber, can't wait until I get my boost sorted. :D
Still at work atm, so pics tomorrow night. ;)
Labels: wheels
Wheels: sorted!
Just got back from getting my new wheels and rubber put on. The ride is everything I hoped it would be, then handling has got better, and the new rubber heats up nicely. Basically, it's perfect! :D
Pics in the next coupla days. ;)
Labels: wheels
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Rubber on the way.
So checked the fit of the wheels Friday lunchtime and all seemed good. Rubber was then ordered and should be here Tuesday morning, with me driving with new wheels and good rubber by Tuesday afternoon. Only 3 sleeps to go. :)
Just went out and polished up my intercooler and radiator pipes a bit, they've come up a treat. Still need to do the rest of the engine bay, big degrease etc. Wont have time tomorrow, unlikely during the week, so guess it might be next week-end.
Labels: wheels
Friday, February 09, 2007
My Wheels Have Arrived!!!
w00t!!!! Dang, I'm so happy I could almost..... umm.. I dunno... but anyway.
My wheels have just arrived here at work. They look schmicko. Just want to go home so I can make sure they fit and then order the rubber. But alas, I have to work damn it. :(
Stay tuned for more stupid posts on my new wheels. :D This week has turned into Christmas.
Labels: wheels
Thursday, February 08, 2007
PWR Photos
Here ya go. First up are the 'before' photos, followed by the 'after' photos. Click for larger versions. :D


P.S. Yes, it all needs a clean. I've not had a chance to polish and clean the engine bay since the aircon has been removed. This will happen soon. For now I just thought I'd get some pics up. ;)
Labels: Photos
New Cooling System
Got my car back today, nice and tidy. Will post some pics soon. Here is the work that was completed:
- Aircon removed
- PWR Radiator and new thermo fan installed
- PWR oil cooler
- Radiator cover/mount thing installed
But already the temp is noticeably lower, so that is good. Plus with the aircon gone and everything installed properly it looks schweet. I'm a happy camper.
Up next: car is booked in for the 22nd to get an eBoost 2 installed and finally a tune. :)
Wheels: well, I guess they're with Australia Post somewhere by now and maybe I'll get them tomorrow (unlikely) but surely early next week. Then I'll need to make sure they fit and then following that go and get the rubber.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Finally, wheels complete!
Cool, just got a phone call from Retro. Wheels are complete, he's getting some lock nuts in this afternoon and then will ship them. So I guess I'll have them in my hands early next week.
w00t!!! :D I'm excited about them again - rather than angry. :D
Now just ring up Reliance this afternoon and see how the car is going. I rang them yesterday, but unfortunately PWR had sent them the wrong oil cooler, so the correct one was meant to turn up today.
Here's hoping. It's been a while between rota drives (over a week!).
Labels: wheels
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
C'mon already!
So rang Retro, haven't picked up the rims yet. Apparently, 'got caught up' yesterday morning so is now going to pick them up this afternoon. Will 'definitely be ready tomorrow'.
Yeah, my arse!
You know what I fear, that if the wheels ever do turn up, something will be wrong with them. Wrong offset or PCD, damaged, or some such evil!
Labels: wheels
Monday, February 05, 2007
Where for art thou wheels?
Well, they once again promised to call me and I heard nothing. They promised me that first thing this morning they would pick up the forgotten two outer rims, then finish the wheels and then ring me this afternoon.
This afternoon has well and truely gone and nothing. No missed call, no voice message, no recieved call. I mean why set an expectation when you are unable to meet it. Just to get the customer (paying customer) off the phone? If so, then all it really is achieving is making them more pissed off and resultingly more subsequent phone calls!!!
So you've guessed it, tomorrow I will call them again. I wonder what excuse there will be this time and what kind of attitude they will portray. :? I'll be sure to let you all know. >:(
If I get them this week I will be amazed! If I hadn't put down the required slightly less than 25% deposit I would have cancelled by now. Is that why their deposit is so high?
(P.S. Yeah, I'm in a foul mood atm as these guys are not the only guys dicking me around.)
Saturday, February 03, 2007
First FACTOR M a Success

The first FACTOR M kicked off last night at 8pm and I'd consider it a success. Quite a few rotaheads turned up, some with their rotas and some without. People hung around having a chat for about 1.5 hours with some late stayers leaving about 10pm.
Plans are now underway for the next one which will hopefully have an even larger turnout, and for which hopefully I'll have my rota on the road.
Pics from the night can be seen over in the REACT gallery here.
Friday, February 02, 2007
That'll be next week...
They've pulled the radiator and oil cooler out, and apparently both were shagged. However the replacement radiator and oil cooler did not turn up as they only got shipped today. They've requested that I ring back on Tuesday arvo next week. :(
Looks like I'll be rocking up to the FACTOR M tonight in a commodore. :-/
Also, I hadn't heard about my wheels, so rang Retro to find out what was happening. Turns out two are built, but he forgot to get two outer rims so cannot build the other two. He said he plans to pick them up first thing Monday morning and will give me a ring in the afternoon. I guess then I might have them next week. :?
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Oil leak and then...
I rocked up to Reliance this morning to get my oil leak fixed/PWR unit installed. Had a chat and was informed that the recommendation was that it would potentially be better to install an S4 oil cooler as the PWR unit may not fit (with my other current bits).
However I then explained how I was thinking of replacing the radiator and intercooler also with PWR units, and also showed how the radiator (cap) currently presses against the bonnet (and has caused a dint in the bonnet). So now the plan has changed and I'm leaving the car there overnight to pick up tomorrow afternoon (hopefully in time for FACTOR M). This is what I'm getting done:
- PWR radiator
- PWR oil cooler
- Air con condensor removed (air con is not hooked up anyway)
- Check why the passenger window is not working
- Find out what suspension I have (I hope it is adjustable, as I need to tighten the front up - it's bouncy at speed)
Now if only my bloody Simmons would get finished and sent. :/
Anyway, that'll do for now, I'll post up some pics once I get it back. ;)