Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Failed Attempt

Saturday night I thought I'd attempt to check my catalytic converter to see if it was the cause of my low boost. Jacked up the car, put it on stands and then proceeded to battle with the bolts that attach the exhaust. Eventually got the set of three at the rear off, then proceeded to do the same with the set of three at the front.

First thing I noticed was that they were a different size bolt for some reason, so had to get another spanner and socket. Well, got the first two off without too much grief, but then the last one I fought with for about 15 minutes (I guess) before ceeding defeat. Basically the position of it was so awkward that I couldn't get enough leverage on it to undo it.

Anyway, not to worry, as two more days until it makes another visit to the shop for them to determine what is wrong with it.

Oh yeah, and the second FACTOR M was on Friday night with a good turnout of ppl and rotas. Photos are over at the REACT gallery.

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