Monday, July 31, 2006

Need a New Clutch

Well, I've been wondering if I need a new clutch, now I know for sure.

Last night I was having a bit of a run with Sam. All was going good and we were rolling up to some lights just before they went green. So I'm rolling along in first and then give it about 75% throttle to take off, then the same into second (I do this because at 100% it seems to like to step out :D ). Then I did a nice quick change into third an FLOORED it - as I'm yet to see it let go in third.

The revs picked up heaps quick and for a split second I thought the wheels had lit up, but then in the next split second I realised that was not the case. The clutch was slipping big time.... In third at that.

Sam commented this morning that at first he also though I had lit up the tires as he saw some smoke. But then he realised it was clutch smoke.

So basically it seems as though the clutch no longer likes a sudden full kick of power. :(

The plan is to first sort out the gear shifter and steering, and then I think I'll do the clutch after that.


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