Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Wooohooo, It Passed!!!

The car is now fully registered with new plates and the lot.

Overall the inspection went to plan. There were only two points of concern with the first being that the inspector I got was not the same as the guy for the previous three inspections, and he seemed to have less idea of what was going on. But that is nothing major, he was a friendly enough guy so all was fine. The only other concern was the handbrake test at the end. The numbers were still down on the right hand side (even though it was meant to be fixed). But on the second attempt it seemed to give results that they were happy with and so all was successful.

The real fun came afterwards when I went into motor registry to try and transfer the rego over into my name. Seeing that it had been out of rego for slightly over two years, and the previous owner had never registered the car, it became difficult to figure out who the previous owner was.

After about five minutes they decided the best idea was to rather than transfer the registration, to just start it again. That then entailed me going back outside to remove the number plates and go back inside to complete the app and get the new number plates.

All in all, the registration process took longer than the inspection but everything was worked out. The car is now registered and I can get to work bringing it up to spec: Tightening up the steering, fixing up the play in the gear box shifter, new brake pads, etc. etc. etc.

The important thing is, it's finally done. :D


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