Monday, July 10, 2006

UVP Purchased

Well I just drove back home, got the paper work and purchased the UVP for tomoz. It turns out that I probably could have done it without the paperwork, but oh well. :?

Also found out that the car has not been registered since about 2004/2005, so seems as though potentially neither of the previous two owners ever registered it. :? I know from talking to Scotty that the owner before the previous two was the guy who built it (and also Scotty's mate), so I guess he was the last person to register it.

Anyway, the plan for tomorrow is to get the following fixed:
- charging issue
- horn not working
- lights not popping up
and I just thought of this
- power mirrors not working

Should be interesting.

Oh yeah, and seeing it has not been registered for more than a year, I can only get daily UVPs, so I'll have to do them one by one. :(


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